ZwodahS | Sprouting Potato

Dice Kingdom Log #3

There were 2 releases done this week for dice kingdom, 0.1.1 and 0.1.2.

I initially release 0.1.1 as I wanted to start working on achievements and I knew that was going to take a while. However after the release, I side-tracked into updating the cover art + colorscheme of the game so I decided to release it as 0.1.2.

This week I manage to get in a couple of key things. I’m just gonna list them down here.

  1. New Victory condition (Immortality)
  2. Upgraded Toolshed
  3. Automated Test ?
  4. Clean up assets and cover art

(3) Decided to write a bit of automated test as one of the refactoring that I have done introduced a breaking bug. I don’t really want that to happen again, so I wrote something quick to test these basic stuffs that could have been caught by a simple testing system. I will probably extend this further in the future to cover more cases.

I also posted a release log over at itch here. Moving forward for DK, I will just mirror the log from itch here and add in additional informations if there are interesting ones.

Overall the goal for the next few weeks is to polish up the game and release a paid Beta build for Windows/Mac, and hopefully Linux if I can find a machine to build it.