ZwodahS | Sprouting Potato

Dice Kingdom Log #5

X-POST from itch devlog

A Devlog was posted last week show the new UI, and after 2 weeks of work, it is finally completed. I didn’t want to release a build last week as a lot of the stuffs wasn’t tested and the tutorial was also broken/incorrect after the UI rework.

With the new build, the UI is updated and there is also new tutorial to go with it. This tutorial provides a more step by step guide to the game instead of the hint-type tutorial previously.

The demo will continue to be updated with basic features and enhancement so any feedback will be appreciated. Lastly, do join the discord if the game interests you or if you have any suggestions for the game.

Alright, that’s all for today =)

Some additional dev thoughts:

I spend the first few days of the week writing test cases and cleaning up more of the UI. I wrote the test cases kind of to allow me to move faster next time. I think this can be further improved but I will probably do it as I discover bugs.

On Thursday, I started work on the new tutorial system. Instead of a hinting type tutorial, I decided to go with a guided tutorial; which means each step will be scripted. This means that the old way of handling the entire thing via a if-else statement wouldn’t scale that well.

Turns out building tutorial system takes longer than expected. I initially thought that I would be done by Friday afternoon, but I only managed to finish it by Friday night. I guess I should really stop over estimating how fast I can build these things.

The TutorialSystem that is built this time is quite flexible. It will probably serve me quite well later on even if I need to rewrite the tutorial.

I’m also still thinking that I need to update the Demo with more QOL/art changes first before finishing up all the rest of the contents for the full game, especially since most of these work will be part of the full game anyway. Will have to think about it more.